Breast Ultrasound

A traditional ultrasound scan usually takes 15 to 30 minutes. Please contact us at 307-634-7711 if you are scheduled for multiple examinations or scans, as they will vary in length of time.
Ultrasound examination preparations vary. Please contact us for specific instructions.
Please advise your provider and Technologist prior to an examination if you are pregnant or if you may be pregnant.
Before the exam, you may be asked to change into a dressing gown and remove metal items such as jewelry and body piercings. A Technologist will accompany you into the examination room and inform you of the scan or scans that will take place.
Most ultrasound scans require the patient to lie face-up on an examination table. A clear water-based gel is applied to the area of the body being studied to help a device called a transducer make secure contact with the body. An ultrasound technologist or radiologist will press the transducer firmly against the skin in various locations, sweeping over the area to be examined. Images are sent to a computer monitor, where they can be evaluated immediately.
In almost all instances, your referring provider will receive your examination results within two business days or less. Contact your referring provider for the results. If you would like to obtain a copy of your results, you may request a copy from your referring provider or by contacting us at 307-634-7711.